My Month of Workship!Luke 4:8

Today, we are engaged in so many things that in our moments of lucidity, we wonder what happens to us.
Our environment is so polluted by desires, vainglory and greed that we are drowning ourselves Christians in this water full of sharks.
Everyone wants to do as he wants, everyone is ready for anything, some even place the Lord in their shenanigans, they know that the world lives in fear and take the opportunity to live fully.
Why so much freedom in our actions and in our words?
The fear of God has gone away. We do not know what it is, the most important is our appearance, vanity.
The Bible says it is not useful to win the world if we are not saved.
And one of the secrets to being in the voice of the Lord is his fear.
To fear God is to be afraid of him.
We Men are afraid of everything, witches, the unknown, threats, but not God.
We tend to tidy up ourselves quickly when we are told that this or that is to be feared, we quickly respect the rules to follow but when it comes to God, we do not care a bit, we do as we please, like the the world waits for us to do, to satisfy the desires of the flesh, we do it as our interests will not suffer, we are content with the ephemeral, the present moment, the passive but know that without the Lord with us, whatever our riches, we will be empty, no concrete and permanent will really be ours.
So let us change
Also understand here, fear is not perceived as terror but rather as respect, honor, worship, reverence.
When we know the nature of the relationship that God wants to create with us, the word fear is easy to analyze.
And that’s our motivation.
To fear God is to know what he loves and to fight to please him.
Fearing God helps us to discipline, respect, obey, submit and worship the holy name of our Father.
The lesson of this morning is this, it is in this logic that God brings us into Proverbs, 15:16 – Better is little, with the fear of the Lord, than a great treasure, with trouble.
Nothing is worth the love of God
Seek to have the fear of the Lord rather than much riches.
Good morning family.
Have a marvelous Saturday in the fear of God.

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