My Month of Workship!Luke 4:8

We will talk this morning about trust.
When we love, it is magic, our feelings allow us to gain confidence in ourselves and to reinforce the esteem of us.
We discover that others can trust us outside of ours, they can encourage us and understand what we live.
We create strong bonds, we learn to trust a new person, we reveal little by little, we talk about the intimate things we had never dared to discuss with anyone.
Trust is believing in the other and in his abilities.
The word of this day brings us into Nahum, 1: 7 – The LORD is good, He is a refuge in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in him.
Keep trusting the Lord!
Most people wonder why, when or what? Lord, how long? What’s going on in my life?
These are our daily questions.
But we must learn one thing this morning: trust God while not having the answers to our questions. This is trust in God.
Can we open our thoughts to someone we do not know? We must first know this God, before telling the other that he is all-powerful, omniscient, fearful and that he loves us, we must above all experience it to be able to impact a life.
To learn to know God is to learn to trust him.
Don’t let the enemy rob us of our joy and forget all the positive things God is doing for us.
God is greater than all the questions we may have and no situation is impossible for him.
To trust him is to allow him to return the difficulties that we live in blessings.
Let’s give up all those questions that rot our lives,
To have a very special relationship with God is to worship him and he alone can help us in this process.
Let us leave our eyes on Jesus, he never fails, he never lies, he is faithful in his promises and in the day of distress, he will show his glory.
Hello this village.

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