My Month of Gratitude!Ep5:20

Hello dear brother and sister, We often make requests to God but thank him often enough for all its benefits?
Let’s face it that we forget everything he has done for us every day! We have no constancy in our faith in God and we can not praise Him all times and in all circumstances, learn to be content with what we have, be thankful for our life, for our personality, for our appearance …
If we realize who we are and what we are called, we can say thank you to the Lord, thank you to someone for something, it is demonstrated by a gesture, a word, a gift, through our joy .. .
To do an action of grace, we must recognize what we have received, we have received life, the breath of life, it is an extraordinary potential that comes only from heaven.
Dad, thank you for the person we are, we are extraordinary, unique, created by the one who has all the power in hand, the Lord gave us another gift of life, he loved us and gave us the instructions for use through his word, we spent a year in health and life.
Recognition is a value that we Men do not know, we do not know how to appreciate what we have and have received for free. We can easily say thanks to God for the water, for the food because we see, we are aware of their need but for our life we ​​find it normal to get up in the morning, we are ok when we see our families, it makes us happy to travel by car, plane and arrive safely … none of us measure all the celestial work that is done, no one imagines the angels whom God deplores for our safety, no one thinks of all those armies that the Lord sets up for you and me. Do we know how many have lost their lives, how many are sick or how many are limited for one reason or another? We are there, in health, in peace, in joy, not a member breaks, not a pierced eye but we still continue to complain nevertheless we have life and life in abundance.
How can we forget to thank Jesus for making sacrifices for us
Say thank you to God for the lives of the people he has placed at our side in our families, our churches, our work, there are necessarily things that make us feel at home but it does not prevent us from praising God for them.
Life is precious, love it and do not stop being grateful for the breath of life, it is an honor, a privilege for each of us, nothing can buy it, no one can give it, only Jesus Christ is able to do so and has chosen to extend our lives on earth. We can see each other, look at each other and laugh. That’s what he can do. Magnificent Holy Spirit, Excellent Holy Spirit, Incredible Holy Spirit, Glorious Holy Spirit, Thank. Thank you for everything. Thank you for this year that is coming to an end. To each of us, Happy New Year 2018. May our God continue to distinguish us. Psalms 91:16 – I will satisfy him for many days, and will show him my salvation. Celebrate the Almighty for the gift of life!

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