My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

We are not called the children of God by chance, it is not a coincidence if we are the light of the world.
It’s also clear that it’s not for us to take advantage of it, but it’s mainly for us to make good use of it.
We are new creatures and no one around us can enjoy them, we meet people who suffer in their flesh but we do not have the courage to give them the address of the healer of the healers, we meet people who are sad and bitter because of the blows of life and we forbid us to tell them that Jesus loves them and that he can restore them.
One word suffices to trigger the process and to have a click, it is only necessary to dare to share the benefits of Lord and the magical place that he occupies in our lives.
This morning is our lesson.
Wherever you find yourself, introduce Christ to others.
Acts 13:47 – For thus hath the Lord commanded us, I have made you to be the light of the nations, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
This is an order of the Lord for those who obey him, he does not ask us what we think of this rule, he says that it is like that for those who claim to attend it. It’s not a negotiation, it’s up to us to see.
We can not work for a company and we never talk about it, we never exchange our experiences … Who will know that we represent this company or this product if we fail to boast and propagate it yet it is this activity which makes us live easily.
It is said, it is the same thing with the word, to serve God it is not only to say that we serve the Lord but it is also to value it, it is also to bring someone to taste and to touch the blessings of the promised land.
Let’s talk about Jesus to others.
It is not normal that in our offices, our neighborhoods, our families, we are not examples, people we want to copy.
Fraternal communion is what Jesus is still talking about today, thinking of others, loving others, caring for them, offering them the source of life Jesus.
He alone touches and changes the stories, he alone soothes hearts.
This is the message of the day, speak of your Jesus to someoxne, he will certainly join.
Hello here
Good week start

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