My Month of Brightness!Matt5:16

Hello people of light,
The time in which we are must alert us to the close return of the Lord, which is why it is important to return to the divine sources and to take root in the word of God.
We can not bravely face the storm if we are not built on the rock that is the LORD.
In the book of Psalms 119: 105 – Your word is a lamp at my feet, and a light on my path.
Pray to go deeper in the Word of God.
We need to be in the depths to brave all kinds of obstacles and hardships.
The depth is what is far from the surface, it indicates an important distance between the edge and the bottom.
It is difficult to see or see what is in the depth because what is deep is hidden and so you have to dig.
Only intimacy with God can take us to the depths, a constant, constant search can bring our hearts to discover and belong to the heavenly kingdom.
Let’s look around, it’s almost impossible to stop the infernal whirlwind in which Men have plunged the world.
It is therefore in our interest to turn our hearts to the Lord, to read the word of God.
The word of God is a powerful weapon, it breaks the yoke, it creates what does not exist, it warns, it restores …
We must establish our relationship with God, look at our true priorities, do not wait when we are on the brink of depression or useless to consider what is important to us.
Let’s leave the world and its appearances and get back to basics.
We always want to grow in size and build with thin tentacles, we may be big but empty.
Let us know that a beautiful tree has immense roots that makes it strong and strong to fight with those who attack it.
When we are rooted in Jesus, we want to please Him, we want to constantly contemplate his greatness, his nature, his depth … and it is only in the arms of Scripture that we can grow.
Our society is making too much noise, the silence has become intolerable,
We do not need it, let’s talk less, stay calm.
Lord, teach us not to be light and make us deep people.
Make us grow in your revelations so that we can be able to bring someone to true repentance.
Encompass us in your depths which are the adoration, the sanctification, the prayer, the Love …
Let’s not be with Jesus in a superficial way, subject him to our lives, our wills, our projects … and for that we must trust him and develop a true, authentic and profound relationship.
It is up to us to see not to be swamped by adversity.
Hello again
Have a good day

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