My Month of Victory! 1Co15:57

One of the secrets to experiencing the extraordinary feats promised by God this year is * diligence *…
A little word but sharp in its meaning.
Having this quality allows us to project ourselves, to plan, to dream …
To be a diligent person is to be disciplined, zealous, assiduous, to be careful, to be a conscientious, hardworking person.
God does nothing at random, we are near the end of a month of victory, the third month and more but many of us still do not know where we are, what we really want to do with our lives, we turn, time goes on.
Even if we do it out of laziness or negligence, God is not ok with this attitude.
Always reports, no serious project, no visibility, no reading of a better tomorrow, no decision.
A diligent being is intelligent, he thinks his life, he dares, he is not afraid to fall, he knows that it is the blows of life that make him even stronger so he is brave, ready to face any situation because he has confidence in himself and relies on God.
The bible says in Proverbs, 12:24 – The hand of the diligent will rule, But the loose hand will be tributary.
Ask the Lord to make you diligent.
Lack of diligence affects our lives and even the church.
Today we are at one place, tomorrow at another.
Today we are on time and tomorrow no.
We are everywhere at once and nowhere, in search of powerful prophecies and great men of God, when we hear the coming of a prophet, we abandon everything, we install … it is the lack of diligence.
No discipline, no punctuality, no constancy, no assiduity, always indifferent and inactive at all.
We can not have anything if we continue like this.
Diligence is doing something with fidelity and having the results. It enriches.
It is the fidelity of Ruth that has valued her promotion, the same for Esther, for Joseph …
They were available, we could count on them.
During our evangelization programs or at the rehearsals of the choir, we come when we want, according to our moods and whims.
Start and not finish, lack of diligence.
God says this morning Nooooooooooooooooo.
It’s brakes his plans for us.
Let’s make a list of things we want to do or have started without finishing and start doing them.
Let’s learn to be diligent people.
The Lord tells us Okalga !!!!
whoever has ears to hear hears.
Hello friends.
May the wisdom of God pour over us.

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