My Month of Victory!1 Co15:57

Throughout this month, God has blessed us each in his own way, some of us may not be satisfied and continue to complain. The truth is that we are alive and well, what did we do to deserve that?
God has preserved us and protected us and this is a powerful testimony for the end of the month.
It is clear that our expectations are many but we must not let go, we must continue to contemplate the glory of God to lead us to green pastures.
So instead of relying on men, to think that our lives depend on others, we must negotiate with the Lord.
The Bible says that elevation is not a coincidence, it is God who decides to raise or lower.
As long as we wait for a promotion, a favor from men or when we fight ourselves to leave from point A to point B, we will always be disappointed.
At the first difficulty, we will be completely dropped because our elevation is only illusion.
For this last day of March, God warns us, he gives us a sure direction and certain for the rest of the adventure.
We are focused on the things of the world, the big salaries, big and beautiful houses and cars, honors, promotions …
For us, we are accomplished, we have a good position in society, we make our well being and we miss the essence of our life.
All this is good.
Even God loves comfort and security but that is not enough, it is not a guarantee to have victory and enter the kingdom of heaven.
Pray for God to keep you at a high position.
Isaiah 52:13 – Behold, my servant will prosper; He will rise, he will rise, he will rise very high.
According to the plan of God, we will have everything we need.  For the eternal, we must be the head in all that we will undertake.
For him, if we walk according to his principles, there is no reason that we are not blessed.
God is the source of blessing, it is not the one who is more agitated who is blessed, nor the one who is made to see or the one who works a lot but it is the one who confides in the Eternal.
The promise of our home verse does not encourage us to laziness, it is not to tell us to fold our arms and wait but it is to make us understand that to deal with the Lord opens the way to blessing.
God wants us to become aware and to remain attached to him only. May our hearts belong to you, oh Father.
Good morning brothers and sisters
Have a good day

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