My Month of Victory!1Co15:57

This morning especially, we will begin by explaining some words of the instruction of the day.
The secret is all that is not known by everyone, it is what is hidden, reserved, discreet, mysterious, what is inaccessible, which is not vulgar.
The secret * can be * also something shameful, which can humiliate us, make us dirty.
Sin is a transgression, a rebellion to the law of God.
Bad habits are the ugly ways, the unpleasant gaps that human beings can have.
The instruction tells us to pray to overcome any bad habit and secret sin.
We all do what we do and do not want others to know.
The word of God tells us in Luke 9:25 – And what would it be for a man to win over everyone, if he destroyed himself or lost himself?
The question is clear and understood by all.
We fight to be well seen, to have a good social status often at any price.
We are ready to sacrifice our lives, our families to be clean in the eyes of others.
But what’s the point?
If not to get away from God, to live like slaves all our lives.
We often think that we are alone when we act in secrecy, we tell ourselves no one knows, no one sees us and we comfort ourselves in this slavery.
Let us ask what is this sin that controls our lives and prevents us from being true with the Lord.
Is it impunity? The sneaky? The lie ?
Whatever his name, God wants to get rid of it.
He wants to arm us with grace and power to challenge this evil, he puts us above these defects and gives us the victory.
So let us pray.
Pray to be always victorious in Jesus.
Hello brothers and sisters
Have a good day.

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