My Month Of Victory!1Co15:57

Do not we like to hear that we speak, that we have strength, that people fear us?
This is what God is constantly exposing us to and exposing our flaws!
It’s a fact, it’s not new!
Big fish eat the little ones!
They feel exactly bigger, stronger, bigger, they have the authority, the insurance and especially the means of their policy.
They have something that others do not have and they are aware of it.
And that’s what happens in our homes, our churches, our nations!
It is those who have the wheat who speak loudly, who are right, who control, they are influential.
It is they who drive the movement.
It is not too often their fault, the people in front feel very small, can not make the show of strength while they are unable to answer present so those rely on the power, their influence, their money for self-esteem and respect from where the dominion of which the Lord speaks this morning.
Do not exercise a rough dominion over your brethren.
We may be rich, influential, charismatic, honored, respected and respected, but if we treat others as aminals or as slaves, we will have understood nothing of Jesus’ victory on the cross.
God refuses us to walk on others, he forbids us to trample on others for fleeting glory.
He says in Leviticus 25:43 – Thou shalt not be strong over him, and fear thy God.
We are equal before God, they put us together so that we learn to support each other, to help us perfect ourselves and not to be lynched.
Those who love God treat their visions better.
It is up to us to see if we respect part 2 of the 10 commands of the Heavenly Father.
Hello family
Let’s love ourselves and support us.
Have a good day

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