My Month of Victory!1Co15:57

As a child of God, we are called to have a winning attitude.
Many of us have started a Christian race, professional … But we gave up, we retrograde, we denied our places and we went back to sit in the camp of the vanquished.
We refused to finish the race, we looked at the difficulties, the trials.
The Bible exhorts us to be more than winners in all these things.
* What is winning? *
It is even before we have a problem, we already know that whatever happens, we will overcome it with Christ, it is to know that God loves us as circumstances are and that he will not leave us.
It’s having an identity in Christ.
To behave in winning is not easy, but the Bible forcefully declares our victory over dominations, diseases, chess … all this has been nailed to the cross.
We are now victorious in Jesus, no weapon forged against us will have effect, the Lord has given us the power to become a child of God, a thousand fall to our left and and ten thousand to our right, we will not be affected .
We are not alone, God walks on our shores, we are coherent with Christ and there is more condemnation.
The more we trust God and His word, the stronger our faith will be and the less the circumstances will tell us what to do.
Our attitude dictates our performance.
Ask the Lord to let the heavenly pose for you
Romans 8:37 – But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Regardless of our past or the number of times we have been disappointed, our God is faithful and nothing is impossible for him.
Let’s stop complaining, be unpleasant, angry and keep in our hearts that our Lord is good.
Pray to look in the future and not let the past imprison us.
Lord, free us from bitterness and make us conquerors, fighters.
Let’s proclaim that we are more than winners in this month in the name of Jesus.
Hello people of God
Have a good day.

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