My Month of Fidelity! 1Co4:2

Our theme this morning is hospitality.
Is it a Christian task? Who should be hospitalized? Are there priority persons? Are there people not to receive?
What does God expect from us by asking us this problem?
Is it to emphasize our egoism towards some?
Is it to reproach us for our lack of attention to the needy?
Hospitality is to love strangers, it is to receive by politeness, it is to help, it is to welcome.
In Genesis 18, Abraham received 3 men whom he did not know, he proposed to them to eat, he even washed their feet.
He did not need to have a relationship with them to accept them in his home and he was blessed with the promise of a son.
Lot and Rebecca did the same …
Today, we receive people according to their position, their influence, their country of residence, we do everything to make them comfortable, we make better meals, everything is in their place and we We are happy because it is a success, but we must not welcome people because we have our profit or because it is the members of our families or friends.
We do it first because it is what God asks us.
Hospitality is giving a little of ourselves, of our time, of our money, it is more than our possessions, it is beyond our beautiful houses, it is to plan its space in such a way that he always has room for someone, a meal, a bed for a warm welcome, it is an attentive ear to his neighbor.
It is knowing how to welcome a new member to the church, it is to be spontaneous.
Hospitality has no price, no choice, no color, it is for everyone without distinction.
Have we ever worshiped a Sunday elsewhere than in our church?
Have we noticed the warm welcome we are given at the end of the service with a lot of love and a lot of joy? And when it’s like that, we can only be happy.
Let’s learn to show others that they are important to us. With God, there is more black, white, red, Cameroonians, Americans, French …
There are only children of God, there are only brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is what God wants to teach us, a true and unconditional love, no reward, he wants to teach us to surpass ourselves for others, to give him the best of us as our Lord made for us.
In 1 Peter, 4: 9 – Practice hospitality to one another, without murmuring.
Faithfully exercise hospitality.
Let’s read it clearly, without murmuring, without speaking, without telling, without gossip … let’s do what’s right, it’s a command for us.
Hello home
Have a good day
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