My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

Hello family,
At one point in our lives we want to show that we can do it, that we are number one, that our own desires and needs worry us.
We are in a society that pushes us to project ourselves, to fight for the first place, to go to the end of our efforts, to tell everyone the place of choice we occupy.
Always stand out, always stand out, always feel superior …
It takes humility to care for others and keep a teaching spirit.
The Bible tells us that the previous humility of glory.
Humility is to be put down, it is to be small, it is to submit, it is to respect …
Being a Christian does not mean that we are better than others, it is not because we do everything to go unnoticed that we are humble, Humility is to assume its strengths and weaknesses.
Our passage this morning leads us into
Mark 10:44 – and whoever wants to be first among you, let him be the slave of all.
Fast and pray to be committed to humility no matter what.
We like to feel that we have power, that we dominate, that we are above and that we control, just know that our greatness is not measured by our wealth but rather by our humility.
It is also important to note that Jesus does not forbid being first, it is not a sin, he just gives another approach, he is against the fact that one person dominates and the others serve, that One person is happy and others are unhappy, one person wins and the others are defeated.
It is this desire to have the first place that leads us to wars, misunderstandings …
Domination at all levels, domination over peoples, countries, races, sex, religion …
Let’s learn to rise with others,
God is faithful and he expects from us that we are engaged in humility and that we are in his image.
Hello again
Have a good

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