My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

Hello group,
pending the proclamation of the election results in Cameroon, everyone is apprehensive, it may be normal but nothing to fear.
God is in control.
He is the God who walks before us like a dove of fire by day and like a dove of cloud in the evening, he is in control of everything.
Whatever plots the king’s heart is like a stream, God inclines him wherever he wants.
The king is an authority, he is the head of a nation, he has established the members of the government working for / with him.
They are not perfect, they are not faithful,
they can fail and that is why the Lord encourages us this morning to pray for all men especially for those who govern us.
These are those who hold leadership positions at both the government and local levels.
God does not ask to put them in prayer because they are politically correct but he invites us to do it simply.
We also do it because our peace depends on them, even if their decisions do not always reflect what God wants, they will never go beyond what God allows.
Our authorities need the grace of God to lead us, we must pray for their salvation.
Lord, we praise you and thank you for what you do for us, we pray for the authorities of our country, we give them to you so that their decisions promote peace and cohesion, touch them with your gospel of truth.
To attest to this rule, the Lord sends us back to his word.
1 Peter 2:13 – Be subject, because of the Lord, to all authority established among men, to the king as ruler,
Be committed to give honor to authorities.
The work of our authorities is not an easy task, they have a lot of pressure without regard to the manipulations of foul spirits who roam around.
It is an order of the Lord to pray for them, it is because of Jesus who is love that we must love everyone even our government.
Let’s stay in prayer and God will make the difference with our country.
Hello again and have a good day

Onde D.

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