My Month of Spiritual Growth!2Chronicles17:6

We meet people every day, some need to be supported, consoled, encouraged, edified, exhorted …
Do not hesitate, let’s talk with them, let’s communicate and pacify them, words have power, let’s use them.
How many times have we delivered shocking words that we regretted later?
The Bible reminds us this morning that it gives too much importance to words.
We should rather be a source of blessing for others.
Our passage from
Colossians 4: 6 – May your word always be accompanied by grace, seasoned with salt, so that you know how to answer each one.
Pray for your tongue to be tamed by the Lord.
We have two things in this verse: * grace and salt *
* Accompanied by grace * = to consider, to be equal, to refuse to be a judge and to leave is to help others when they fall …
* Seasoned with salt *, salt is an aroma, it gives the taste, the flavor, it preserves and embellishes.
You have to know how to do the right dosage, when he is absent in a meal, everything is bland,
When it’s salty, it’s esteemed, tasted, loved, valued.
That’s how our words must be.
We must control ourselves, the well-placed and well-spoken words help to realize and progress.
We men are too brutal, clumsy, we are always ready to stretch hearts with our languages, our words are atomic bombs but it’s not too much of our fault.
As long as it is by our own strength that we are going to operate in this world,
As long as we were going to be light and let the subtlety of the devil encircle us, we would still not be able to commune with others, nor to honor them.
Society becomes more and more violent, we are taught that the law of the strong is the best, that the rich have all the rights but the good news is that in the Lord’s kingdom, we are all identical, this place reigns peace.
Let us know that our words can calm fury and can excite anger at the same time.
If we do not strive to heal our words, we can not deliver the good news, we can not evangelize.
Lord, we want to glorify you with our words, give us to speak with wisdom, sweetness and your love flood our mouths.
Hello people of God
Have a good day.
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