My Month of Evangelism! Mk16:15

For us, freedom is the total absence of constraint, it is not to belong to anyone, it is not to be prisoner, detained … It is to do, to say and to go where we want when we want … Deciding on your choices, making decisions and assuming them, hurting people as we please and staying zen is ordering and driving everything in its path without anyone blocking us the way … It may please us, we may seem satisfied but it is egoism +++. This is what the world teaches us, it is what the world imposes on us, it tells us that everything evolves and that we have to refresh our mentalities with time, it manipulates us and says that they update things. And we accept, everything is disordered, the norm has become abnormal and vice versa, we have lost all our values, our esteem, everything has deteriorated with technology. The air is more polluted, the buildings are more open, sex is no longer taboo and everyone consumes it without restraint. All this at the price of freedom, all because we want to feel free, all because we believe and we think to be free. The Bible tells us that true freedom comes through Jesus. He freed us from slavery, fear, doubt, worry, guilt, bitterness, death … With him, we do not seem to be free, we are free to be ourselves. When we realize the love of God, we are free. God sacrificed his son for us to be truly free in him. In the book of John 8:36 – If therefore the Son enfranchises you, you will be truly free. Tell someone how much he / she can be freed in the Lord. The Lord offers us true freedom, a freedom that we will never find anywhere, a freedom that we would never have even by earning more money or having a steady job or owning wealth, or being in a happy home. This freedom is not acquired by being always a slave to sin, when we are still prisoners. It is obtained by putting one’s faith in Jesus. Jesus takes away our worries and burdens and makes us truly free. Father, we come back to you, forgive us and free us from the power of sin so that we are ready to enter your kingdom. Hello family Have a good day.

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