My Month Of Impact! Mt5:16

This morning, we still want to welcome you Holy Spirit,
Make your entry among us,
Touch us, break us, transform us, equip us.
You are what we need
you are the life that gives us life,
you are the source that resources us,
You are our well from which we can draw revelation.
You are our everything.
Lord, assert your will, impose your word among us.
Your thought is yes and amen.
You are unfathomable but the truth is that you are perfect.
And for that, we salute your almighty power, we raise our hands in sign of surrender because you are.
Father, give us to obey you, to do your will.
It is so difficult for us to do what God expects of us, we are a rebellious people who are quick to reject the will of God.
In Genesis, God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of life and death, it was forbidden but they decided to do the opposite of what God said.
So it is clear that God has given us free will and that man can follow a different path than God envisioned for him.
Usually, we are tempted to make and follow our own thoughts, to have our own experiences, to make our own commitments and that is how we are confused by God’s plan for us.
Let us only know that each time we want to do as you want, let us realize that we find ourselves in a dead end, we are as if lost, no longer knowing the difference between what is bad and what is good.
Do not wait to face the wall to seek the will of God.
She is in her word, she is attached to our person and to our relationship with God.
We have to understand one thing, we no longer do according to our own will, we no longer do according to our pleasure, our preferences because we are no longer of the world, we have become children of God, we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, he is our master, we belong to him, we come from him, we are there to serve him.
To believe in the Lord is to accept that our lives can change direction.
The bible says that the eyes of God continually scan the earth to see if the heart of man is completely turned towards him.
Without God we can’t do anything, when we pretend we can accomplish something, we collide.
In 1 Chronicles, 16:11 – Have recourse to the LORD and his support; seek his face continually!
Never stop seeking God’s will!
We are called to seek the face of God.
The Lord encourages us to seek him, it is for us a source of life, a source of blessing.
To seek God is to seek our creator, our origin, our reason for living, we will certainly find the one who dominates all things, the one who has the answers to all the questions, the one who has the capacity to change our destinies.
No matter what may occupy or scare us, let us trust in God, will run and hide in his presence, he is our support.
It is at all times, every day that we must seek the will of God.
Let us always stay focused on the Lord.
It is not all about knowing your will, it is about obeying it, being ready to accept it and put it into practice.
To do the will of God is to overcome all situations in our lives.
It is recognizing that Jesus is on the throne and that all is well.
Hello this house
Have a good day

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