My Month Of Impact! Mt5:16

We still think that the pastor’s job is easy.
That he has nothing to do except speak and say what is in the bible.
Let us tell ourselves that it is not easy to always be in the fasts and prayers, it is not easy to receive people all day long, to listen to all kinds of stories and especially to find the right words for comfort others.
We believe that everyone is able to sit down and receive from the Lord.
It is not a given to be filled with the spirit of revelation, counsel, and wisdom.
When we feel weak, we run to our shepherds to confide in us and so do they?
Do we think for a moment that they don’t go through moments of discouragement?
Do we think that they are not tired of our criticisms and our accusations?
Do we think that they are not sickened by certain situations which tend to dilute the work of God?
Our pastors are at the service of God, it is a job.
Let us not be among those who prevent the name of the Lord from spreading, let us stop being the persecutors of the anointed of the Lord,
let’s stop manipulating and destabilizing the service of God’s servants.
They need us, the sheep.
We are always quick to give up, to return our jackets whenever a manager has a problem.
Let us learn to support our leaders, let us learn to encourage them to seek the presence of God, let us accompany them in the Christian walk.
Let us stop intimidating and frightening men of God.
Let us stop making our parents fragile, limited, vulnerable by our actions.
Everyone, at some point in their life, needs a tonic.
Our pastors are not superhumans, otherwise they would never need strength and courage.
Let us pray for our ministers, let us implore the grace of God for them so that they are faithful and of integrity.
Let us intercede for our leaders so that they are firm and that their feet do not waver in the ways of the Lord, that the hearts of our heroes are not hesitant.
Let us pray that the servants of the Lord will work diligently and with determination, that they will be established in their path.
And certainly, the reward will be great.
This is why the Lord has given us the passage as advice for the future.
2 Chronicles, 15: 7 – You therefore, be strong, and do not let your hands be weak, for there will be a reward for your works.
Pray for yours pastors.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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