My Month Of Probity ! Ro13:13

Every Christian receives the spiritual gifts that God chooses to give him.
Paul lets us know in the book of Corinthians that we can also desire to have them and in this case, we favor the best.
And a question torments our mind, can we aspire to a particular spiritual gift?
This is what Solomon did.
Solomon was king of Israel, he knew that ruling the people is not an easy affair, he was aware that God had to grant him wisdom to be up to it, he realized that this gift was essential for his throne.
According to 1 Corinthians, 12:31 – Strive for the best gifts. And I will still show you a way par excellence.
Pray for the best gifts of the spirit.
We can ask for a gift from God and actively seek it.
To yearn = to desire, it is a wish of the heart, a desire, a determination, a zeal to want to experience the spiritual gifts.
Why should we desire spiritual gifts?
Because they are spiritual weapons, given by the Holy Spirit according to his will to fulfill God’s plan on earth.
The gifts help us to witness, to draw unbelievers to the heart of God.
In the verse that concerns us this morning, the Lord invites us to receive the gifts and to manifest them.
The Lord makes them available to all, he gives them to whomever he wants without favoritism.
When the Lord speaks to us of yearning for spiritual gifts, he encourages us to walk under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who will communicate to each his good desire, without bias.
The gift is an undeserved gift from God, let us not claim anything out of pride before God, do not be frustrated by not practicing certain gifts, let us remain in humility,
We must not be passive, we must not do God’s work lightly and carelessly, just because we have one talent does not mean that we are not going to desire another.
Let us know that the whole thing is not to desire or to ask but it is to make sure that our desire is realized.
We must be determined men.
Elisha wanted the double portion of Elijah’s spirit, and he had received it.
Elijah worked seven miracles and Elisha worked fourteen.
There has to be a price paid for the gifts of the spirit to take place in our lives.
Those who pay the price will manifest the full measure of the gifts God has in store for them.
This is the need of the hour.
Hello group
Have a good day

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