My Month Of Polishing ! Ez36:29

2 Peter, 3:18 – But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory to him, now and forever! Amen!
Pray to keep growing in grace and knowledge of the Lord.
Here is an invitation for all of us, we are a privileged people, the Lord cares for us, he exhorts us to a common good, to a spiritual development.
We therefore have the responsibility to support each other, not to develop pride and selfishness in our midst but rather to ask the Lord to put love in our hearts.
To grow in grace and in knowledge is to know how to honor and serve our counterpart, it is not to dominate it, it is to rejoice together, to remain in peace and to maintain oneself in the presence of God.
Let us know that to be blessed is to promote edification, it is to encourage oneself.
Let us move away from the anger, from the quarrels which prevent the angel of the blessing from coming to visit us and pronounce the sharing.
This verse recommends that we get to know better the life and character of Christ.
Let us make ourselves useful, redouble our talents, hone our faculties, we cannot remain newborns in Christ, we must grow in him, progress, have new experiences of faith, grow in love and in hope.
To grow in grace does not mean to deal with a specific gift, it is to grow in all grace in Jesus Christ.
Let us see that our faith grows and increases.
To grow in grace is to have a broader, more intense, more practical love, it is to influence thoughts, words, deeds, it is to be more humble.
When we have known the love of Christ, we want to know him more.
So let’s sit down and let ourselves be filled with the word of God.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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