My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

Isaiah 1:18 – Come and let us plead! says the Lord. If your sins are like crimson, they will turn white like snow; If they are red like purple, they will become like wool.
Bless the Lord for the changes he is always ready to do for you.
Here is an invitation for each of us, a call to evangelization.
We are a sinful nation and it is amazing that the Lord always invites us to come back to him.
God accepts us when we repent, He is always ready to plead with us who are wanderers.
He loves us so much and makes us a sure promise.
A promise of total and free forgiveness.
Sin is what we do wrong, it’s all that takes us away from God, our defilements.
The bible compares our sins to crimson, we are all guilty, we betrayed Jesus, we sent him to the cross.
God reproaches us for our sins and he promises to make it white as snow, but for that we must turn away from evil and seek forgiveness from God.
Crimson and purple are two colors that cannot be destroyed, they are ineffaceable but we are invited to plead, to defend ourselves.
What is the use of defending yourself?
The culprit still has his mouth closed, but Jesus made us a promise of peace.
Lord, we draw near to the throne of your mercy, knowing that the doors of mercy are open.
Father, you have promised us an advocate with you and you are not a man to lie, nor a son of man to repent.
In the hands of our Lord, our sins are forgotten, we are changed, restored.
The Lord reveals to us what He is ready to do for us if we remain in His ways.
God’s will for us is that we repent when our hearts move away from him.
When our thoughts are impure, our actions betray morality, our words are empty of love and mercy, our bodies are given over to sexual immorality.
The Lord is good to purify and sanctify us.
So on this day, let us be sensitive and ready to let the Holy Spirit act in us, let us attach ourselves to our God.
And it actually will light our way.
Hello home
Have a good day

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