My Month Of Improvement ! Ho14:5

The Word of God is not just any book.
Those who think it is manipulation or intimidation are wrong.
Everything that is there is not a coincidence, nor a coincidence, they are revelations, living words that can help us clear our way.
Many even children whom God neglects, do not refer to it, do not read it, do not cherish it yet it is a treasure.
The word of God is the voice of God, it is his reference, it is the very essence of Christian life, it is his thought, it is his will, it is his character, it is is his heart.
The word of God is indispensable, profitable, salutary, fresh, profound, necessary, precious.
We look too much for our solutions everywhere except in the word of God.
When we are in front of a mountain, instead of resorting to the word of God, we turn to the means of men.
We want to get closer to God, we want to know him more but we do not draw inspiration from him, we do not meditate on his word, we do not see ourselves as God sees us.
2 Timothy, 3:16 – All scripture is inspired of God, and useful to teach, to convince, to correct, to instruct in righteousness,
Pray to be able to apply the word of God appropriately.
* Inspired by God * means breathed by God, he put his life in his word, that is why the word of God is perfect and infallible.
The word of God is useful, it reframes us, takes us back, teaches us, puts things in order, equips us, disciplines us so that we walk in truth and in justice.
If we seek the glory of the Lord, turn to his word, that glory impacts our spirit if we study and meditate on his word.
Moses went forty days and forty nights in the presence of God, he went there to receive the word of God and what he received completely transformed his life, the bible tells us that his face shone.
God was with him on the mountain giving him instructions.
The more the Father spoke to him, the more he radiated glory so that no one could look at him when he came down.
Let us be flooded by the word of God, let the spirit of God rest on us.
We find it difficult to allow ourselves to be corrected in the house of God because of our pride, our sufficiency or our money yet the word of God is there to teach us, to instruct us, to correct us, to help us develop human character. .
Let us submit to the word of God to be models.
Father, thank you for your word which is useful to teach us, to rebuke us and to convince us.
Give us of us
to submit to the lordship of the word and to base ourselves in excellence.
Hello this house
Have a good day

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