My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

We are supposed to give to you like you do so often with us,
We are in principle obliged to do our part but only we are selfish, we do not like to share, we do not want to see the house of the Lord flourishing and stable,
We are comfortable when the church is dependent on us, we are a little happy when others think that we are indispensable.
We want to have everything, to control everything and we forget that what we have is from God.
We do not want to see our men of God compromising themselves but we do nothing to secure them, we are sometimes generous with them because we want to curry favor.
Our gifts are poisoned, our interests come first.
The Bible tells us that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son.
And U.S?
What do we give that is precious to God out of love?
If we give something precious to the Lord, we already have a better replacement.
Beloveds, we cannot bring our remains to the altar of God, we cannot come with the faulty things to our father’s house, we cannot devalue the greatness of our God.
The love of God has given us salvation and victory, it is our turn to know how to honor God.
Exodus, 35:22 – The men came as well as the women; all those whose heart was willing brought buckles, rings, rings, bracelets, all kinds of gold; each brought his gold offering, which he had consecrated to the LORD.
Give joyfully years bountifully unto the Lord.
When we have a relationship with God, when we allow ourselves to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit, we are only attached to things above.
Giving in the house of the Lord is no longer a problem for us because we understand that we all are building the temple, we are all involved in building the wall.
Let’s learn to give to be like Jesus,
Let us learn to love so that communion has all its meaning in our communities,
Let us learn to celebrate God with our possessions.
The hand that gives is always above the one that receives,
He who gives dominates and is a source of blessing.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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