My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

The devil just wants to finish us off.
The long eyes are us
The big heart is always us
As long as we do not climb certain levels, as long as we do not access certain spheres of society, as long as social networks do not mention our names, we would always be thirsty, we will remain dissatisfied.
We are ready to move forward as long as we can continue to admire our growing wealth.
The Bible tells us the story of a rich man who claimed to have accomplished everything to the point of being proud.
When he comes into contact with Jesus, he understands that the kingdom of God cannot be bought with things below, he understands that his possessions do not deceive the Lord, he realizes that his riches which he adule have no value.
The word of God tells us that it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom because he is selfish, everything is centered on him, everything revolves around him, he does not care about others, he is interested just in its comfort and safety.
The needy say nothing to him, the love for the Lord is dead.
His god is his wealth, he praises and adores his goods.
When the Lord asked him to go and sell his patrimony and distribute it to the poor, he lacked courage, he looked at his reputation which was to take a hit and he gave up the path of peace.
Faced with this situation, the Father calls us * foolish *, we value our goods rather than our soul.
It is not that the acquisition of goods is bad, but it is its use that hinders God.
Riches make us proud, boastful, haughty, shameless … and keep us away from the light of the Lord.
The Lord gives us an important recommendation this morning, beware of greed, run away from this sin that disconnects us from the altar of God, we are invited to be rich for God.
Luke 12:15 – Then he said to them, Beware of every greed; for a man’s life does not depend on his possessions, even if he is in abundance.
Pray for your possessions to become admirable.
Here is a warning that applies to all of us.
Let us stop giving ourselves importance to the things that do not carry life.
Avarice is the desire to possess without profiting, without investing, it is a sin.
It is greed and Jesus challenges us, he warns us to be careful especially in a capitalist society like ours which seduces at all times.
Let us invest in the heavens, stop wasting our resources on the satisfaction of the flesh, be rich for God and understand what life really is.
Hello beloved
Have a good day

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