My Month Of Attraction! Pr18:21

The root of a problem also comes from the house where we grew up.
And the point we’re going to develop this morning is the anger, the irritation.
Usually angry people copy this character from their environment, they learn from their role models, they practice what they see and eventually pass it on to their children as well.
Several things make us angry, the way others address us, jealousy, contempt …
The story of Cain and Abel makes us understand that anger has no excuse, it pushes us to commit sin.
Cain’s jealousy because of God’s choice for Abel prompted him to kill his brother.
Cain could not contain himself, he did not question himself even when the Lord warned him that sin is lying at his door and that he must get rid of it.
We all have something that makes us angry, that gives us pain, it is even sometimes justified but is that a reason to make us miserable, mad, foolish?
When anger controls us, we are unable to make good decisions, Simeon and Levi killed Shechem because he had dishonored their sister Dina.
Although Shechem and his father did everything to correct their faults, they accepted all the conditions imposed but this did not appease the anger of his brothers-in-law, they preferred to quench their thirst and sadden their father than to abstain. .
We always want things to be according to our own standards, here’s what it brings us, bitterness, sorrow and keeps us in a bad mood.
Let’s watch our words and our actions, let’s not be too reactive, too predictable, let’s stop caressing resentments.
Stop serving the devil, stop provocative and harsh languages.
Let’s control our thoughts and allow the spirit of God to reframe us.
Ecclesiastes, 7: 9 – Do not be hasty in your spirit to be angry, for irritation rests in the bosom of fools.
Fast and pray to be balanced.
The verse teaches us not to be in a hurry and not to be angry when things happen to us for anger lies in the bosom of fools.
We need to be able to learn to let go of anger when something is frustrating us and to regain our composure.
Let’s learn to go talk and complain before God, learn to entrust our difficulties to the Lord.
When our hearts are turned to the Lord, the devil can no longer play with us anyhow, he can no longer ridicule us anyhow, we will learn to calm our nervousness and go and relax in silence before the Lord. .
Hello us
Good day

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