My Month Of Blessings! 2Co9:8

Until the end, we will not stop telling ourselves that we are blessed.
We are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, an acquired people, a chosen race.
We are blessed with all kinds of blessings.
Let’s not look at our current situation, we are the heirs of the promise that God gave to Abraham.
This is no joke, we are highly blessed.
It is we who are not aware of who we are, we do not know what we are wearing.
The Bible calls us the light of the world, the salt of the earth.
And we, we underestimate ourselves, we see others as above us yet we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
If we have any doubts, let’s go read the story of Balaam and Balack.
God himself gives the reason why Balaam should not curse the people of Israel: HE IS BLESSED.
And because he is blessed, no one can curse him.
Because we are blessed, God protects us and keeps us.
This story tells us that Israel is passing, it does not intend to war, in addition, the Lord had ordered it not to attack Moab.
Balack, king of Moab panics, he fears that these numerous people overthrow him.
Balack knows that Israel is not just anyone, he resorts to great means and calls on a diviner, Balaam.
Balaam already has a reputation, he has a name and his image is well established.
Balaam is in great demand, he doesn’t move around just any way, so you have to put in the means to move him.
Balaam is won over by the gifts and honors that accompany Balack’s request.
God knows our hearts, he sees all the lusts therein and speaks to Balaam.
Numbers, 22:12 – God said to Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; you shall not curse this people, for they are blessed.
Thank the Lord who make sure no curse can overcome your blessings.
Balaam, you may be used to doing your own thing.
You may be great in front of men, you manage to amaze them but I, God, I see in the depths and today and now, I order you and forbid you to do anything to Israel, it does not is not like the ones you have handled so far.
This nation, it is my first son that I begotten, it is not possible that I let you do.
Balaam is an order, even a warning.
There is Israel and there are the others.
Our values ​​in the eyes of the Lord cannot be the same.
*Not the things that you often like to do to tempt me, Balaam, touch these people a little, you will understand that my hand is powerful.*
Balaam, this people have already received divine blessing, no curse is possible.
God had already spoken, his word had already come out, his covenant had already been made.
Balaam, who are you to quash God’s decrees?
Don’t you know that neither enchantment nor divination can do anything against the sons of Abraham that we are by faith?
So let’s bless the Lord,
Raise the highest,
Our Redeemer is alive and he will be the last to stand up to defend us.
Let’s make this statement together: *We are blessed with Abraham’s blessing.*
Hello to us
Have a good day

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