My Month Of Distinction! Ps139:14

We are all called to caution.
Prudence is a quality, it is an attitude of mind, it is a forecast, it is calculations of the consequences of a situation or an action which could be unfortunate or dangerous and which we must /can avoid.
Naivety has led us to expose ourselves to the devil.
Samson knew it was dangerous to kiss foreign women, he knew it was a condition of the Lord to go far but he also believed that his talent, his strength were above the evil one.
He did not measure the risks and did not hide under the grace of the Lord.
And we can see that Delila in her subtlety snatched her secret from her and delivered it.
God’s children may be under divine cover but they are not careful.
They think prayer and fasting solve everything, they believe they can face the enemy head-on anyhow.
How did Jacob manage to marry Leah yet he wanted Rachel?
How after seven years in the house of Laban, he could not grasp the spirit of his uncle, he could not know the laws and conditions of marriage of the place where he lived, he could not to tell the difference between the sisters?
Jacob, is it overconfidence or is it naivety?
The truth is you are a blessed man but you need to be more careful.
The Lord says in his word to be as cautious as snakes why?
We must learn to quickly assess situations.
The Snake is on the lookout when he feels strong and he strikes, but he also knows how to flee when he is in danger.
Proverbs, 19:2 – Lack of knowledge is good for no one, And he who hastens his steps falls into sin.
Pray to always act with caution.
Let’s take the time to inform ourselves, to have knowledge otherwise we will perish.
We do everything haphazardly, talk haphazardly because we have no wisdom, we lack all the intelligence that can lead us into higher spheres.
Lack of education destroys, lack of information prevents one from entering one’s destiny.
Not knowing is dangerous and not something to wish on a person.
It is not appreciated by the Lord to be a simple-minded person.
Let’s learn to calm down, to reflect, to wait on the Lord, otherwise we will open the door to the devil ourselves.
Impatience is one sin, haste another, disobedience then…
Saul tore the kingship off him because he neglected divine instructions.
He allowed himself to offer the sacrifice to the Lord yet he was not entitled to do so.
He was king, that was his role and he is Samuel, the priest, the prophet.
Because the people were getting impatient, because Samuel was late, Saul put on a coat that wasn’t his and he was disqualified.
And it is a sin that the Lord did not tolerate.
Let’s be careful, levity only brings us disgrace and dishonor.
And let us do the work of God with all our hearts and be worshippers.
hello group
Have a good day

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