My Month Of Distinction! Ps139:14

God’s love makes us dance,
The love of God vibrate us,
God’s love we cry,
The love of God,
The love of God,
What will become of us without the love of God?
Your love is so pure, Father.
Your love is genuine, Adonai.
We spend the time begging for love from people who don’t bring us anything, we beg for attention and we suffer from a lack of love, yet our dad is there, he overflows with love for us, he’s just waiting for us. , he is ready to support us and to welcome us, he is ready to console us and restore us, but we continue to look around with worried eyes.
We have already seen where on this earth a person gives himself in sacrifice, accepts suffering, accepts all kinds of humiliation so that the other may be in peace and happiness?
Where can we find that if not in the love of Christ.
There is no love without generosity, without giving it.
God’s love has no conditions, it is unfathomable and nothing can compare to it.
1 Timothy, 1:14 – and the grace of our Lord abounded all the more, with the faith and charity that is in Christ Jesus.
Be greateful for the love the Lord bestows upon you.
Grace overflows to cover a sin, a weakness.
It is not for the righteous that grace abounds, it is for sinners.
The blood of Jesus shed for our sins and his love reigned over death.
God’s love is enough and that’s what keeps us going every day.
hello all
Have a good day

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