My Month Of Acknowledgement! 1Th5:16-18

Here are vices that undermine our society in general and our country in particular: greed and envy.
Greed is dissatisfaction, it is selfishness, it is the desire to possess more.
It’s the power, the money.
We see that this scourge is more and more installed, and some to better establish their influence and their authority have engaged in practices that defile the spiritual universe.
Greed enslaves us, drives us to sin.
It demands sacrifices from us if we want to satiate our flesh.
Greed very quickly becomes an addiction, it is idolatry.
Greed is the love of money, it is mammon.
The Lord takes great pains to remind us that it is impossible to serve two masters at the same time.
Either we are attached to one and reject the other, or we love one and hate the other.
Mammon possesses the hearts of men, bends them to his law and enslaves them.
Let’s be careful to always satisfy our harlurisantes lusts, quench our thirst for power or want to forge assurances for the future.
We have all seen what greed did to Judah, he sacrificed everything: his reputation, his position, his anointing, his grace.
He had not understood who Jesus was, he was one of the disciples but he was a Christian on board, without attachment or involvement.
Another story in the bible makes us understand how possessions control and manipulate us.
A gentleman came up to Jesus and started boasting.
For him, he was the very example of a servant.
At least, until Jesus tells him that there is one more thing he can do to make the kingdom happy.
The Lord simply gave him an instruction, to go and sell his goods, distribute them to the poor and come and follow him.
This advice saddened her, why?
Jesus wanted to show him how attached his heart is to the things of the earth, he wanted him to understand that cravings still make him vulnerable.
Brothers and sisters, let us get out of this environment, of these associations which oblige us to prostitute ourselves for what is ephemeral, empty.
All that for appearances, false clichés, facades that brood over us for a moment and the moment after, we are nothing but worms.
It is Egypt that wants to keep us in bondage, it is men who want us to believe it is necessary.
Balaam, an envious, greedy man has many gifts to curse Israel, a people he himself knew he could not destabilize.
He trusted his divinity yet the Lord is above all our shenanigans.
Ecclesiastes, 5:10 – He who loves money is not satisfied with money, and he who loves riches does not enjoy it. This again is vanity.
Fast and pray to be delivered from greed and envy.
When we love something too much, our hearts are too attached, we always want more, we are more focused on chasing the money rather than enjoying it.
And everything we seek on earth, stays on earth.
We will not take it away in our coffins.
Let’s detach ourselves from vain things,
Let Jesus deliver us from the hand of the devil who keeps dominating and deforming us.
JESUS ​​is our provider, let’s count on him, he does not work with the greedy and the envious.
He is our role model.
Let’s copy it and celebrate it.
hello to us
Have a good day

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