My Month Of Acknowledgement! 1Th5:16-18

We expect something from God, we start asking ourselves questions, we even worry and doubt sets in.
We would like to tell ourselves this morning that God is faithful, and his faithfulness does not depend on our abilities, nor does it depend on all that we are and what we think, it relies on his word which does not change. .
It is our fault if we stagnate, we do not make prophetic declarations, we do not proclaim the word, we do not confess the word without flinching.
It is up to us to believe that God can do anything, that he is able to open the floodgates of heaven for us.
We find it hard to believe that our words are powerful, they agree with the word of God if we want to.
We are talking well this morning about having faith and stabilizing it.
We want blessings too quickly, we just believe God’s words for a moment and life circumstances sometimes push us to give up everything to take paths contrary to God’s plans.
We have to hold on, we have to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.
Abraham believed in God, he knew that the God who made him the promise is the one who will grant him.
When God told him to sacrifice his son, he did not think, Abraham was aware that his God is faithful so if he wants something, there is a blessing behind it, he knew that God always rewards whoever obeys him, it may hurt but God comforts.
If Abraham was able to throw a knife at his son, we must understand that no one is as important as his Lord.
And because of his obedience and his boldness, God provided a lamb in place of his son.
We can no longer continue to serve God with wavering faith, we cannot manage God without involvement, without commitment.
We have been stuck for a long time and it is time to position ourselves.
Bartimaeus remained blind for a long time, everyone taunted him, everyone had abandoned him, everyone rejected him and one day he heard about Jesus who heals and he believed in it.
Bartimaeus started to take an interest in the life of Jesus, he wanted to know him more and when Jesus passed by his crossroads, he stood out, he shouted and even when the others wanted to intimidate him, he put a particularity to be identified.
He called Jesus son of David.
The Lord had to turn around and this is how this blind man received his healing and its restoration.
Same for the woman with the blood issue, she put her faith into practice and saw her life saved.
Do we have the faith that brings from death to life?
Do we have a confidence that changes sterility into fertility?
It’s all about faith, folks.
This is how our Christian life works, our faith must be active, it must speak.
John, 7:38 – Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from his bosom, as the scripture says.
Pray to remain steadfast in your faith.
When we trust in God, he eases our way, we carry life, we share favor, all connected to us are blessed, we radiate grace and anointing, and our heaven is permanently open.
So if we want to be greatly blessed and favored, let our faith remain firm and above all let us be grateful for the fidelity of our Father who is always available.
hello group
Have a good day

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