My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

Imagine that we have rented a store or a shop, that we have injected all our resources into it, that the equipment used is of the latest generation and when we are about to reap the fruits of our labor, we learn one morning that everything why we put so much energy burned.
Or when we have saved a whole period of our life to afford a car and overnight it is stolen from us.
Or we pay extra-standard tuition to ensure the future of a child and that when it comes time to enjoy this child, he dies.
Or we stabilize our home, our family and let a storm come and shake and crack our foundations.
We can imagine so many hypotheses but we can also understand that these cases are very close to us.
We take all kinds of precautions to protect ourselves, we always ensure the security of our well-being in our own way but sometimes we forget that if God is not in it, if the mighty hand of God does not cover us, we all build on sand which symbolizes fragility, the ephemeral.
Matthew’s gospel urges us to build on rock, on Christ.
It is about listening only to Jesus and fulfilling the words of Jesus.
The Lord did not promise that adversities would not come to the house, he did not say that the rushing wind would not sweep away what we have built at the cost of enormous sacrifices, nor did he say that the storm will not upset what we hold most dear, he tells us not to be discouraged.
The forces of nature will shake us but Jesus is the strength we can lean on, he is our guarantee.
The solidity of a house depends on its foundation, we will not lack prudence and let God oversee our projects otherwise we will be in constant desolation.
Matthew 13:25 – But while the people were sleeping, his enemy came, sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.
Pray for the Lord to watch over your investments.
The tares are dangerous, they infest with a fungus causing dizziness, delirium, hallucinations.
She is able to spoil the entire harvest.
The tares are a bad seed which is the seed of discord, dispute, divisions, hostility.
The verse tells us about the presence of evil in the world.
A man sowed good seed in his field but an enemy came when the master and his servants slept to sow weeds.
The people who slept are the men and women who accepted the word and became seeds, sons of the kingdom, those who bear the germ of life.
Those who work with the darkness, that is to say the tares, prevent the wheat, the children of God from developing normally by exhausting the soil.
Jesus sows the word which becomes the light of the world, the salt of the earth to serve his glory and the evil one unfolds to obscure this light, to break the flavor of the salt and to weaken all action.
The tares are so big, they saturate so well that in appearance, we think they dominate the world, they wear authentic masks, they look like real sons of God, only the angels will recognize them.
Many present themselves as Christians, the true church with the announcement of salvation, the Bible in hand, an announcement of Jesus but it is not Jesus of Nazareth that is involved.
Satan wants to defile the true church of Jesus, the body of Christ, the bride that we are to disqualify us.
Let’s not stand idly by, let’s defend our Jesus, let’s unmask the bad roots, let’s uproot seduction from among us.
Let’s not be cowards and infidels.
Jesus is the best choice, the shadow of his hand covers us, he will never let us down.
Without his cover, we will be lost.
Let us rely on the Lord, his words are yes and amen.
hello to us
Have a good day

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