My Month Of Perseverance! Matt24:13

We are in a context where we are all focused on the things that make us happy.
We can see people in our families and around us who say and make their babies because time is running out, because marriage is not on their doorstep, because they are very independent and do not want to bang stress of submission and authority.
We live in an environment that wants us to satisfy ourselves right away, we want to take care of appearances, we want to put on masks that embellish, we value fake clichés to seduce, we sometimes prefer to indulge in the prestige of the world of waters rather than to make our peaceful journey in the presence of God.
But this morning the Lord encourages us to look forward, to keep fighting to win the prize and for that we can go through trials, we can go through tribulations.
Jephthah was cast out from his tribe and his brothers because he had a prostitute mother, some felt he was not mixing with bad seed.
The Bible tells us that Jephthah allied himself with his people of nothing, but when his community found itself stuck, without a solution, without landmarks, without weapons, she went to beg him to come and take the place of leader and lead their tribe.
Let’s stop wasting our time feeling guilty and having regrets.
Let’s just ask ourselves if we are in the right race or are we bearing fruit.
The Lord is there to help us not to stray from the race of faith, he urges us to persevere until we win the prize.
Let’s stop chasing time like our lives depend on it, let’s have our eyes fixed on the finish line to win the prize.
To look back is to open the door to discouragement, to bad thoughts.
Focus on the prize not the race!
Luke, 21:19 – by your perseverance you will save your souls.
In the face of trials, let us be patient and keep the faith while waiting for salvation.
This is our message of victory.
It is by holding firm that we will be able to enjoy the delights of the kingdom.
hello to us
Have a good day

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