My Month Of Acceleration! Is58:14

We are always overwhelmed when many think that God is incapable, we are always surprised to see the reactions of some to a deliverance or a revelation, it makes us believe that many think that the Lord cannot move beyond of our expectations.
Beloved, it is we who limit God, he is Alpha and Omega, he knows everything.
The Lord does not need time to glorify himself, his power is infinite, infallible, unlimited.
He does whatever is in his will.
The Bible reveals to us that he is *omnipotent*, that is to say all-powerful, the one who governs everything.
We attest his authority is supreme.
Know that even if we don’t believe in the works of God or in miracles, it doesn’t matter that the Lord does whatever he wants when he wants.
The Bible tells us that while there were five loaves and two fish, Jesus got out of the boat.
Everyone was overwhelmed by the crowd present, more than five thousand men without counting the women and children in an isolated place.
The disciples were dismissing the crowd, but Jesus teaches us that to bring about the miracle, we must first have an attitude of gratitude.
This is what triggers its power and everyone has had enough to eat, there has been an overabundance.
Also the coming of Jesus at the wedding of Cana marks the explosion of the omnipotence of God again, he changes water into wine.
During this event, he does not teach, he acts, he manifests divine power,
There is a lack in the celebration and the gesture of Jesus comes to give another look to the ceremony.
Beloved, our God is powerful, he does infinitely more than we think.
He masters the times, the seasons and the circumstances.
We cannot explain the greatness of our Father, his works are simply wonderful.
No one can unravel the mystery of his works.
This is why it is necessary for us to believe in his strength.
Believe in miracles, our God is almighty!
Ecclesiastes, 11:5 – As you do not know what the way of the wind is, nor how the bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, neither do you know the work of God who does everything.
Man’s knowledge is limited, he cannot foresee everything, nor have all the guarantees to act, so man has every interest in remaining in the presence of God so that he renews his thought all the time.
hello to us
Have a good day

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