My Month Of Increase! Deut1:11

The early church still teaches us today.
Those who believed in the Lord Jesus had one heart and one soul.
Nobody said that his goods belonged to him but everything was common between them.
The Christians shared what they owned, to the point where those who had land or houses sold them, brought the receipts and laid them at the feet of the apostles so that everything would be distributed according to each person’s needs.
Ananias and Sapphira in Acts Four support our words today.
This couple sold what they owned so they could donate it to the church.
After the sale, they played smart, they didn’t respect their commitments and the worst thing is that they decided to lie.
They may have agreed to sell their property but they lied about the real price of the sale.
Was this couple obligated to give all their money to the church? NOPE.
We can believe that he had many times benefited from sharing the goods of others and in wanting to look good to be appreciated, they sinned.
Their greed and avarice cost them their lives.
The Bible constantly reminds us that God is omnipresent, we can tell all the stories we want but God sees everything.
The Bible also tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil.
It’s money that rules the world, we are all fighting to multiply our assets.
None of us care about eternity, we want to look, we want to live in luxury and build financial security.
This race towards vain things has cost the lives of many.
How many are in prison for theft or fraud?
How many personalities are prosecuted for embezzlement?
Greed leads us to sins.
Ecclesiastes, 5:10 – He who loves money is not satisfied with money, and he who loves riches does not enjoy it. This again is vanity.
Pray for your love of God to always be above that of riches.
The accumulation of wealth only brings misfortune, we no longer have time to enjoy it.
True happiness is anchored in eternity in God, it is the source of life.
Let’s stop putting our trust in money, it’s idolatry.
To love money is to enter an endless cycle, we always need it, we don’t stop and we don’t take advantage of it.
And all that does not bring us into the kingdom of God.
Again, back to basics.
And Jesus is our priority.
hello to us
Have a good day

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