My Month Of Increase! Deut1:11

God has given us unique abilities, gifts, and talents.
If we think it’s to make a lot of money, we’re wrong.
It is to benefit others.
We are part of the body of Christ, everyone is important.
What do we do with the abilities the Lord has given us?
Are we aware of the deposit of God in us?
What we have is not valued by ourselves, we depreciate it because it does not always correspond to what society acclaims.
And even when we want to exploit it, it is not to glorify the name of the Lord.
The talents the Lord has placed in us should be recognized, appreciated, and tapped into.
We should use the gifts we have received to serve God and others.
The Bible tells us that a man went on a trip and entrusted his goods to his servants so that they would make them grow until his return.
The first two servants were rewarded for their work and another did not think of his master, nor of his success, but rather of his own safety.
God leaves us completely free.
He trusts us, he leaves us all his fortune, he shows us his love.
At the end of the parable, the master resumes his talents.
He leaves them to the faithful servants, the one who has nothing in the end is the one who has not been able to create anything with what was entrusted to him.
We are invited to produce, to bear fruit and to create.
Are we ready to make good use of our talents?
Fast and pray to make good use of your talent.
Matthew 25:17 – Likewise he who had received the two talents gained two more.
hello to us
Have a good day

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