My Month Of Delivrance! Rom10:13

Adam and Eve rebelled against God by refusing to submit to His will and warning.
The people of Israel spent forty years in the desert because of their refusal to obey divine instructions.
Absalom, son of David, rose up against his father to dethrone him and take power.
Korah, Dathan, Abiram and 250 Israelites rebelled against Moses claiming that God is using them too, they do not need a leader.
We happened to be rebellious,
to want to compare ourselves to our elders,
to disrespect our leaders.
Also, when we discover that we have given two or three words of knowledge that have been answered or that we have had some revelation,
we think we need to sit on the heads of our pastors.
When we are rebellious,
we think we are right, we think we have the truth,
we fight to prove that our spiritual gifts are genuine.
Rebellion is the act of rebelling,
to revolt,
to disobey established authority.
Rebellion causes disputes, zeal, pride.
We are in a world that no longer takes the notion of authority seriously, we are no longer able to submit,
we can no longer agree with our leaders,
we want to impose our rules and write our laws.
We have no more restraint,
it is we who challenge and contradict our men of God.”
Rebellion is a disease, it is a poison.
It has disastrous consequences if we do not repent.
Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Pray against any spirit of rebellion/disobedience.
If we do not want complaints and situations of all kinds, we must agree to put God’s word into practice.
It is respect for the Lord that gives us the strength to no longer fall into the temptations of the enemy.
It is because we are decreasing and Jesus is increasing, that the devil has no access to us.
Embracing the form of our God distances any project of our adversaries.
Let us cover ourselves with the armor of the Lord, the devil will move.
The secret to not finding ourselves in rebellion and disobedience,
it is abandoning ourselves in the hands of the Lord and the devil will have no authority in our lives.
Hello everyone
Good day

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