My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

We know a person without prejudice, judgment, criticism, not a hint of discrimination, racism, or favoritism in him.
His name is Jesus, his love is not conditioned, he is authentic and available to all.
King Solomon said * man has dominated man to his detriment *, human relations have become cruel, everyone fights for his interests, racial hatreds, conflicts between nations, family divisions have flooded lives.
With all this, can one be impartial one day?
We know ourselves, we know that we can not without hesitation affirm that we will be impartial in all situations because we are the product of our culture, of our education, of the world in which we are.
To choose or judge impartially is difficult, we can only do it with the elements we have, we can not also be neutral because neutrality is not impartiality.
We are always quick to judge, to take a position according to our criteria, we let ourselves be influenced by our own feelings.
This type of behavior is incompatible with the vision of Christ, the lack of impartiality has divided the world, it has weakened the fraternal communion, it has removed us from our destinies.
Israel was a people chosen by God but it was a people who was the most rebellious and ungrateful of God in the time of Moses, but the Lord has always been the one because of his grace.
Our God does not consider appearances to be blessed, he knows us weak and dependent.
He looks to our hearts and waits for us to have impartial conduct with our neighbor.
We do not know how to do it, we men like to pretend, we do not like to belittle ourselves to the level of others, we like to feel bigger and more superior than others, humility has gone away giving way to vultures and sharks that devour everything in their path.
God brings us into a season where loyalty and integrity are required, or the most important thing is not throwing stones at others, the most important thing is not to condemn, nor to accuse but to forgive and of love.
It is even one of his key commandments, * to love one another as Jesus loved us *
Jesus is perfect, we can not be like him but we can strive to follow his example.
He tells us in James, 2: 9 – But if you accept persons, you commit sin, you are condemned by the law as transgressors.
Pray to be impartial with men.
Who are we to say that the other is better than the other?
Who are we for rejected our neighbor?
Let us stop judging others about external circumstances and not about their own worth.
The acceptance of people goes with the acceptation of our interests.
God warns us and invites us to cultivate impartiality towards our brethren.
Because of Jesus, may our love be pure and true so that we are set apart to be and contemplate His holy presence.
Hello everyone
Have a good day.

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