My Month Of Probity ! Ro13:13

Many of us say that perfection is not human.
Many of us confess that to err is human and as long as we are on earth, we will continue to make more blunders, we will continue to sin, we will always fight to do things with precision.
But these are our thoughts, this is what we have stopped, these are false reasoning in which we swim yet the bible tells us the opposite, the bible lets us know that it is not impossible.
This is what our verse for the day tells us in Matthew 5:48 – Be ye therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Fast and pray to seek perfection.
Beloved, God expects a certain maturity from us, he wants us to be adults.
* Perfection * is to be flawless, spotless.
God wants us to do things excellently.
For a long time we did things that did not glorify the Lord, we did dirty deeds that diluted the ark of the covenant, we were far from the truth, we had lost our bearings and the Lord in all his fidelity, intervened and urges us to form an alliance with him to be accomplished men, he does not expect us to be faultless, blameless or that we all achieve the impossible, he just wants us to break the past to commit to following Christ’s instructions.
When Yaweh asks us to be perfect, he doesn’t ask the impossible of us, he invites us to sincerely do our best, he wants us to live up to our heritage, he wants us to be as we should be.
The Lord despises mediocrity, he wants us to learn to control ourselves and to dominate pride, laziness and to reach perfection we must make extra efforts and be diligent.
We have a role model, let’s look up to him.
When God asks us to be perfect like him, it is not asking too much of us.
What he has commanded us to become is possible and it should not be a debate, there is no room for discussion.
To speak of the perfection of God is to express his holiness.
So, to approach God, we have to be Saint otherwise we will not see God.
Perfection is not of this world, how can Jesus want us to be perfect?
Perfection is a matter of choice, of freedom, of will.
Father, please, open our minds and hearts to understand and welcome the depth of your word,
Give us the strength to let ourselves be shaken by your word,
Give us humility in the ways of repentance and love.
We want to be numbered among the disciples, we have no choice, we have to obey the requirements of God, he tells us to be perfect as God is.
No perfection without love and integrity. Let us be in the image of God, let us reflect the glory of God and this is what gives it weight, value.
Paul wanted to achieve perfection, he wanted so badly to win the award.
And U.S ?
What are we going to decide?
Are we going to run to be perfect by following the Lord’s counsel?
For that, we need to change to be like God wants us.
Hello Beloved
Have a good day

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