My Month Of Benevolence ! Jn15 :12

We want to bless your name once again this morning.
We want to greet with reverence your presence and your love.
We want to celebrate the honor that you, Lord, give us to serve you.
We want you to help us share your word today, that your spirit alone be lifted up over all the earth.
Beloved, we want to talk about a woman that many do not know in the bible but who knew how to write her story.
Her name is Rahab, the Canaanite.
The word of God tells us that this woman was a pagan, she was a prostitute, she had a bad reputation and served idols, her actions were an abomination in the sight of the Lord, she could not have part in the promises of Israel.
When Israel was to conquer Jericho, Rahab and her family were afraid because they knew that God would give victory over Jericho to Israel.
Rahab had heard of God, she knew he is powerful, she had learned how God had saved and protected Israel.
For this lady, she knew that she was not to be spared, she also knew that death was at her doorstep.
The Israelite spies show up at her house.
She hides them, does not denounce them to their king but makes them promise to save her with her family.
And the spies gave him his word by giving him instructions.
Here is the hope which is reborn in a desperate situation with no way out.
She made a decision of faith, she knew that only God could get her out of this situation.
Thanks to Rahab’s faith, she was saved and she is one of Jesus’ ancestors.
The word of God says old things have passed away, things have become new.
Rahab’s past was not a problem for the Lord, it was her faith and obedience that the Lord looked to.
Rahab risked her life, she welcomed the enemy into her home, housed them.
Which means this woman loved other people.
Through her attitude, she makes us wonder what risk we have already taken out of love for the Lord?
Do we really have love?
Rahab was generous and it earned her to save her family so be careful not to do good only to those we know.
the Lord does not forget the good we do, Rahab honored the Lord.
Faith without works is in vain, Rahab put her faith into action and she was rewarded.
Remember that every good act never goes in vain.
Hebrews 11:31 – By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish with the rebels, because she had received the spies kindly.
Hello everyone
Have a good day

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