My Month Of Reconstruction ! Jer31 :4

Us and our thoughts
Us and our ways and customs
Us and our beliefs.
That’s what the Lord wants to tackle this morning.
Many of us think it’s what we have in our heads, what the world says or does that is normal,
Some think that God must act according to their convictions otherwise everything is called into question,
Others want to rewrite the word of God in their own way, to interpret it according to their human reasoning, they do not allow the spirit of God to move, they do not want the explanation, the rhema, the revelation.
They prefer to make active conclusions which arrange their conscience.
The Pharisees and the scribes knew they knew.
They thought they had mastered the things of the spirit, had been in the faith ever since, and no one had anything more to teach them.
When someone speaks to them, they remind us that it is they who began the work of God.
Even in our families, there are many who want to find their solutions in tradition, they are locked in a system of thoughts that gives them direction.
But the bible says in Ephesians, 2:20 – You were built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone.
Pray for your beliefs to be rooted only in the scriptures.
We must walk in the footsteps of those who teach us the word of God otherwise the trials of life, the floods will destroy us.
Our foundations are what we are built on, founded on.
Are they solid, sturdy?
On what basis is the Christian life established?
The foundation is Jesus Christ and it is he who chooses the instruments with which he wants to build.
By preaching and teaching on Jesus Christ, the building is lifted up.
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is the foundations of the Lord that made us what we are, do not always try to hang on to the old covenant, stop bringing theories that may try to replace the pillars of faith, let us stop spreading uncertainties in the house of God.
Let us turn to the word of God,
back to church, get to know God, and leave a legacy for our children.
The Word of God is the ultimate instrument to provide us with the foundation we need, grasp it, it is our life jacket!
It is on her that our lives are built.
We can no longer continue to base our faith on feelings, emotions, experiences, what we feel, that is what weakens our faith.
Let us return to the early church where the teaching of the apostles was considered.
Let’s go back to our first love
love God and build our lives on his word.
May the name of the Lord be glorified.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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