My Month Of Reconstruction ! Jer31 :4

When God is at work, we don’t need to talk a lot.
The Samaritan woman said, come see the man who told me everything.
Everyone came running, only his testimony attracted more than one to Jesus.
What do we want God to do in our life?
Do we want to be sources of blessing?
Let God give us his water of life.
We all have a story to tell, a testimony of how God brought us out of darkness into light.
We have enjoyed the grace of God and we need to make many meet our Lord.
The bible tells us about a woman who suffered with an illness for twelve years, she had certainly gone around hospitals without having the solution, all her friends and acquaintances were surely tired of her.
And one day, she had the meeting that changed her life, she heard about Jesus, she wanted to go to him to tell him about her problems, she knew that this might be her last chance to have results.
She prepared for this experience, she arranged for her date, the neighbors were surely making fun of her, several tried to dissuade her, many people intimidated her but she had to play her all, failing to be received by this powerful man, she just wanted contact with him, and she fought and made it happen.
Twelve years of smell,
Twelve years of rejection,
Twelve years of worry,
Twelve years of suffering …
No glimmer of hope and that in one day, today and now, the healing is instantaneous.
That’s wonderful!
What determination!
She was seized with the anointing; she was filled with a strong dose of healing.
His whole body has regenerated, all of his diseased organs have been changed / restored.
The life of Jesus came down in his whole being.
Tell us a little, in front of such an incredulous crowd, pooffff, a miracle.
Even if it is us, we will just reconsider everything, we will take this woman as a reference and we will all seek to know Jesus and to put his word into practice.
When the Lord wants to show glory, he does not need twelve years, it is here and now.
God doesn’t need us to be perfect, he just wants us to be real and thankful.
Every time Jesus manifests his love, there is change, there is restructuring, there is transformation, there is even transfiguration.
What we have to understand this morning is that we must not let the devil stop us and control us, do not let him discourage us.
The wall is destroyed, it didn’t bother anyone, everyone thought it was even normal until the day when Nehemiah decided to rebuild it.
This is the beginning of all his problems.
Protests, accusations, oppositions, persecutions … have risen against him.
But this hero darkened, he did not let his environment distract him from his objective and the wall was rebuilt.
Nehemiah 2:18 And I told them how the good hand of my God had been upon me, and what the king had spoken to me. They said: Let us rise up and build! And they fortified themselves in this good resolution.
May your testimony push many to reconstruct their lives.
Nehemiah was convinced that he had God on his side and together with his brothers they encouraged each other to work well.
This is what made this process effective and motivating.
They were all strengthened in Jesus.
Let us just be prepared to be vessels of honor in the hands of the Lord and He will do His work in our lives.
Hello group
Have a good day

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