My Month Of Radiancy! Job17:11

Gedeon told the Lord that * he is the smallest of the smallest family *,
Jeremy said * I can’t speak because I’m a child. *
Age is not a barrier, youth is not a handicap in serving God.
The stories of these two characters should inspire and improve us.
Both were young at their call.
Many of us find ourselves too small, too illiterate, too poor, too sick to serve God.
Sometimes, even, it is not the age the problem but it is the youth in the faith, we say ourselves inferior to the others, we do not see ourselves in the evangelization, or in the team of praise, we have so set the limits in front of us that we have difficulty getting up.
We can decide to do good around us, to pray, to tell our families about God and we will be doing the work of God.
A tithing child who realizes he needs to prepare for his financial life while still in school has decided to make a difference.
Many children do not realize that they can contribute their tithe, but this child has grasped the principles of prosperity.
Let us be a channel for the Lord’s mission, let us be the mouth that the father uses to speak, let us be the hands that serve others, let us be the feet that carry the gospel everywhere.
Let us stop looking at our smallness, our weakness, our imperfection and let the deposit that God has placed in us shine.
The Bible reminds us that the Lord makes the difference between those who serve him and those who do not serve him.
To serve the Lord is to listen to him and obey him.
Let us not be discouraged, God has put dreams in our hearts for us to manifest them, for the world to bear witness to the treasure that is in us.
We are a people apart, we must live as God wants in the midst of the uncertainties of this world.
We have a mission that the father gave us, a vision that God gave to us.
The Lord wants us to be blameless in this degraded society, he wants us to be positioned, to be torches in the world, lights that shine everywhere.
We are always in the murmurs, the criticisms, the complaints and that may not change if we do not occupy our place.
What sets us apart from others?
The bible tells us in Philippians, 2:15 – that you may be blameless and pure, blameless children of God in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation, among whom you shine like torches in the world,
Pray to make a difference in your generation.
We must shine like torches in the world.
With the word of God, we must enlighten the lost.
It is our torch that sets us apart.
Where did we put our lamp?
Does our light still shine?
To be pure and blameless, we must impose ourselves in this generation or the world will blind us and confuse us.
Is our light weak or flat?
How is it that we do not manage to influence our generation, to preach the gospel around us?
Everyone should see the image of Jesus in us.
Let us be flames of fire, torches for the glory of our Lord.
Our lives are sad because we don’t shine.
We must be without reproach, without any mixture, without blemish.
We must bear fruit.
As children of God we must be different from others, we must preserve our holiness and our integrity in order to draw others towards the word of God which gives direction and transforms us.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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