My Month Of Acceleration! Is58:14

The needy is the one who is in need, he is poor, he is destitute, he is unhappy, he is weak, he is miserable, he is destitute. .
She is a person who needs help and it is up to us to reach out to her, to share with her what we have.
Are we those who call themselves Christians but fail to take care of the needy?
Are we ignorant of this recommendation?
Jesus wants us to remember the poor, our environment is poor, we have around us people who are lacking and who are rejected, despised by us.
We prefer to hoard our wealth instead of making efforts to take care of our neighbor.
Serepta’s widow and her son only had a little oil and a little flour, that was all they had to eat and then they had to die.
Élie came out of nowhere to impose himself on the program until he demanded that they give him their last meal.
If it was you and me, we would rebel, and say good charity starts with yourself, or hide our food so the visitor would leave first.
They gave their all to the prophet in need, they were generous, and blessing entered their home.
Let’s not hold ourselves back, let’s give a smile and strength to others, let’s contribute to each other’s development and offer our Jesus, his message, his love to our brothers.
Find and give a portion to the needy from what you possess.
1 Corinthians 16:2 – Each one of you, on the first day of the week, set aside at home what he can, according to his prosperity, so that they do not wait for my arrival to collect the gifts.
It is a collection during the service, Paul asks the Corinthians to collect the goods for the brothers in need in Jerusalem.
Don’t rest, try to make others feel good.
It is love that Jesus wants to preach, let our hearts obey him.
hello to us
Have a good day

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