My Month Of Wisdom ! Pr3:13

Jethro, priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law, went to meet Moses with Moses’ family.
The reunion was cordial and Moses began to tell of the Lord’s blessings, the deliverance of Israel.
The next day, on his arrival, Jethro found Moses sitting in judgment of the people and so it went on from morning to evening.
Jethro, very surprised at the way Moses was handling his leadership, asked him questions to find out what was really going on.
Moses explains that the people come to him to consult God when they have problems.
The Bible says that Jethro did not agree with Moses’ approach.
He felt that Moses had an organisational problem and that he should exhaust himself and the people.
Moses did not realise that the load was heavy and that he could not do it alone.
Beloved, Jethro stood before the authority that was Moses and allowed himself to give him advice.
For the father-in-law, Moses had to teach the vision, he had to transmit the thought of God to the people.
He goes on to tell the deliverer that if he decentralised according to the abilities of each person, if he trained capable men who feared God, who loved the truth, he would lighten the burden on him.
The word of God says that Moses listened to the voice of his father-in-law and did everything he said.
Here was Moses, the man who was close to God, who spoke with God face to face, who allowed himself to be advised, he understood that we are sentinels and we have to watch over each other and that help can come from anyone.
And that is what we are interested in this morning.
How many times have we rejected good advice because of our pride, our position, our disobedience…?
How many times have we missed out on blessing because we refused to accept the outstretched hand that was in front of us?
In any case, God’s advice to us this morning is pray not to reject good advice.
Proverbs, 13:10 – Only through pride do we stir up strife, But wisdom is with those who listen to advice.
It is our self-righteousness, our zeal that makes us believe that we cannot accept an injustice, it is our over-fullness that makes us know that no one can tell us anything because we feel accomplished.
But when we know how to separate things, when we know how to discern, we also know how to take and capture what is good,
what helps us and what moves us forward.
So let us learn to listen to our friends, we do not know everything.
God works even in the little tips we receive in our daily lives.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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