My Month Of Joy! Ps30:11

Being filled with the Holy Spirit means being filled with Christ.
It means submitting to God the control of our lives,
It means letting Jesus rule every area of our lives,
It means depending on the presence of the Holy Spirit.
When we are filled with the spirit of God, fear has no place in our lives.
We are Christians, the Holy Spirit dwells in us, but so few of us possess joy, happiness.
Many of us do not know the rest of the soul or the peace of God’s presence.
We are joyless, hopeless, more dead than alive.
The spirit is alive and works through joy.
We no longer live in our community because as soon as we experience difficult times, our joy vanishes.
Stable and deep joy stimulates faith,
develops and encourages love.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to live in joy because God takes possession of us and radically changes our hearts to suit Him.
Acts 13:52 – as the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.
Pray to be filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost.
Barnabas and Paul, capable men, had been sent on a mission for the gospel, going into areas where the gospel was already established.
This time they were sent to areas where the vast majority of the people did not know the good news.
When these people in Antioch rejected the word, Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust from their feet to disclaim all responsibility.
They were not discouraged; they understood that the success of their mission did not depend on a favourable reception.
The Holy Spirit continued to give these men the strength and joy they needed for the future.
Lord, thank you for the joy of your Holy Spirit, help us not to depend on our emotions and to learn to walk in faith.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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