My Month Of Honor! Jn12:26

The next person is someone other than us.
It’s a stranger,
someone we know well,
an adversary.
Our neighbours are people in general,
it refers to the members of God’s people,
brothers and sisters in the faith.
In the word neighbour, there is closeness,
it is linked to belonging.
To love is not nothing,
it is to love,
it is to esteem a person at his true value,
it’s infinite respect.
Our instruction for the day recommends that we be spontaneous in honouring our brothers,
our neighbours,
our friends.
The Lord knows that this is not our habit,
He knows that this is not our natural way of thinking, because we are human beings who like to be in the limelight.
We like to be seen, we like to be appreciated.
Anything that overshadows us makes us bitter, anything that stifles our glory irritates us.
We carry within us the seed of selfishness.
Giving way to another is painful to us,
Ornamenting our neighbour sometimes annoys us.
We can do it, but our hearts think just the opposite of what our mouths say.
The world is full of contempt,
disgrace and it’s important to remember that there are still people worthy of honour.
Even if we don’t always agree with our parents’ decisions, we must honour them,
Even if we don’t always agree with our bosses, we must respect them.
1 Peter, 2:17 – Honour everyone; love your brothers; fear God; honour the king.
Be quick to honour your neighbour.
*Honouring everyone means considering each person as a creature of God,
it means treating others with respect and dignity, speaking to them with kindness,
it means being generous with them, giving them our time, our talents and our resources.
*To love our brothers and sisters* is to put their needs before our own and to love them,
it means being tolerant with them and forgiving them for their shortcomings,
helping them in their walk with the Lord.
If we honour everyone, we also fear God.
We must revere our Lord and be impressed by his greatness,
We must follow the Lord’s commandments and obey him,
is to be pleasing to him.
To honour the King is to show respect for those who have been placed in a position of authority over us,
even if we don’t agree with everything they do or say, we should treat them with courtesy and respect.
We must pray for them that their governance will be good and wise.
So let’s understand that everyone has their place and deserves to be appreciated.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day

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