My Month Of Praises! He13:15

We thank you Lord,
We love you for what you are,
This is still our day of celebration and you recommend that we give you thanks with our brothers and sisters.
Many of us are in church but we are tense because of our problems,
they are oppressed by their persecutions,
they are troubled by their turmoil.
Some are self-conscious,
they feel superior and do not know how to bow down before the highest authority on earth, who is Jesus.
They refuse to honour God’s presence during worship.
Some sit, some think, but God’s word tells us that we must lead others to praise him,
it is our responsibility to encourage them to lift up the name of the Lord in the spirit.
Psalms, 150:6 – Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Pray to exhort others to praise the eternal, God Almighty.
Let everything that has received the breath of life proclaim the deeds of the Lord,
Let nothing stop us from praising the Lord who has given us movement, being and breath, for that is what the word invites us to live.
We must thank the Lord morning and night for the salvation offered by his son Jesus.
We must live for God,
praise him,
adore him,
obey him,
take a stand for him,
resist evil and hate it, do works of kindness to others, imitate Christ,
follow him,
serve him,
live by the Spirit and be filled with him every day.
Let us praise him every hour of every day.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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