My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

This is how Man works,
this is how we behave when we are at a crossroads, when disappointment has trampled us and taken us out of the circles,
when we are penniless and unemployed,
when we’ve accumulated so much frustration among our friends and family.
We serve God,
we attend all the programmes,
we submit to authority,
we participate and are actively involved in our assembly,
we recognise God’s love and faithfulness.
We long to become,
we beg God for a divine visitation, we intercede for God’s intervention on our behalf.
We appreciate our commitment,
we bear witness to the fruits.
Once the blessing locates us and we have a job and we start getting a bit of money
and our life takes a different turn,
we shine a little and the respect of others shows.
We lose our gratitude,
we lose humility,
We’re at the mercy of pride.
We have sinned against the Lord.
Pray that you will not forsake the Lord when you are rich.
Hosea, 13:6 – They are satisfied in their pastures; They are satisfied, and their heart is puffed up; Therefore they have forgotten me.
The Bible tells us that we must not be like the morning cloud that loses its freshness in the evening, that is to say, we must be ephemeral, light, fickle, superficial…
Let us not follow God by appearances, otherwise the Lord will not be convinced of our revival of faith.
Let us not seek God when times are hard or dark because of his judgements, but as soon as the first rays of sunshine appear, heralding better days, the desire to seek God dissipates like the morning dew.
Let us not be like Ephraim and Judah, who turned away from God.
Those whom the Lord brought out of the abyss and led into Canaan, but who have no gratitude.
They have known the greatness that the Lord has offered them and they have not known how to preserve the blessing, they have believed that it is the work of their hands.
Like Israel, we have behaved like this, we have abandoned the Lord when we have been able to pay our rent regularly, when we have bought a car,
when our businesses were successful.
We have put our interests elsewhere than in the presence of God.
Anyway, we just need to understand this morning that possessions must never separate us from the love of the Lord.
So let us pray to remain like Joseph at the foot of the Lord.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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