My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Let’s continue to say that our private lives are nobody’s business.
We’ll be ashamed because it’s not true.
What we do behind closed doors or when no one can see us builds and reveals our true character.
We’ve come to tell ourselves that God sees as clearly as we do during the day.
Where are the people of integrity?
Integrity is an important value in the word of God.
A person of integrity has nothing to hide in private or in public,
He is a person who walks according to the principles of the Lord, a person of his word who honours his commitments,
a person who is upright and watches his steps.
Lacking integrity,
is to lack consistency,
it means being empty, light…
We can look good,
speak well,
be a person with an honourable and respectable appearance, but when we get closer,
we realise that we are wearing a mask and we discover that we are the opposite of what we appear to be.
We are polite but in reality we are selfish and proud,
We look gentle, but we’re angry in our homes,
We look honest but we are hypocrites,
We look loyal but we are dishonest and we don’t keep our promises,
we look consecrated yet we have no intimacy with the Lord…
And our churches are full of people who lack integrity.
God appreciates integrity; he honours those with integrity like Job.
But the Lord also knows that it is not in our nature to be upright and just people.
He reproached Abraham for his lack of integrity because we have to learn it.
We cannot hope to walk before the face of God and neglect integrity.
Psalms, 15:2 – He that walketh in integrity, and doeth righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
Psalms, 15:3 – He will not slander with his tongue. He will not harm his fellow man, nor bring reproach on his neighbour.
Pray to become a person of integrity.
Becoming a person of integrity is a process,
it’s an education,
it’s a decision,
it’s an evolution, a sequence,
it’s a step,
it’s a learning process…
The march towards integrity may be slow, but it is sure and certain.
We walk on a rock, because every step we take is based on firm, solid ground.
So let us hold fast to truth and justice; and by the grace of God, let us imitate our Lord.
To become honest is to turn our eyes away from our weaknesses,
from the difficult situations we find ourselves in,
the financial problems we have or any other difficulty we may face, and above all it means stopping doing evil to others.
Lord, help us to remain honest,
gird us with your truth, qualify us to enter your presence so that we may be like you.
Hello ladies and gents
Bonne journée

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