My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Everyone wants peace, the world is looking for peace, but it’s not so obvious because we’re looking for it according to the world’s system.
Peace is not calm,
it is not the cessation of war,
it’s simply Jesus.
Many couples have no peace despite their financial stability,
Many families are broken up because of the family patrimony,
Divisions even govern the church.
Some have thought that travelling was the solution to their peace problem,
Others thought that securing their future was a guarantee of peace,
Still others were reassured that they would have the children they wanted because they thought it would be a consolation…
Beloved, we live in an environment full of worry, constant stress and anxiety.
All this makes our lives complicated, painful and sad, because we are victims of all kinds of abuse and mockery…
And we can’t produce the evidence of our Lord.
James, 3:18 – The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who seek peace.
Seek peace relentlessly.
When we pray for peace and offer Christ’s peace to one another, we become channels of God’s unending peace that is reordering the world towards wholeness.
When we act in the spirit of Christ, we can sow love where there is hatred,
dispense forgiveness where there is insult,
shed light where there is darkness.
As instruments of peace and justice, we can seek to replace discord with harmony and repair the brokenness that shatters the wholeness of peace.
God wants to pour out a grace of peace, but it’s up to us to distinguish ourselves.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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