My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

We bless you Father for this season,
We celebrate you for the life you have given us,
We exalt you because you are unique in your love.
It is a grace to finish a course,
it’s an honour to be protected,
it’s a privilege we’ll never despise, Eternal One.
May all the glory be yours.
To close the page of our history written during this month, Yaweh wants us to know that we are the light of the world.
the Lord does not say that we are a reflection,
he doesn’t say that we are a means,
he says that we carry a light and the intensity of each one depends on its intimacy with Elohim.
We don’t need to shout from the rooftops that we serve Jesus,
when our walk with the Lord is perfect,
our neighbours and colleagues are drawn to us.
When our light shines and is recognised, we don’t need to fight to be in the spotlight,
we don’t need to make everything about us,
we don’t need to promote ourselves, we don’t need to live to be recognised in the world, we don’t need to pretend to be saints or argue to get the leadership positions in the church…
The Lord has already made a spectacle of us,
we are a light that cannot be extinguished,
we sometimes influence where we are,
we have an impact on the people we meet,
we evangelise a whole town because Jesus in us is real.
Let’s look at the life of Jephthah who was rejected by his brothers.
His own people deprived him of his inheritance,
they drove him out of his father’s house because he was born of a prostitute.
He ended up in the bush with people of no means.
But because Jephthah’s light was known,
because everyone knew that he was a warrior,
that he had abilities beyond those of the people in his community and his walk with the Lord was genuine,
they came back looking for him and begging him to establish him over them as king.
Beloved, let us just be faithful with our Yaya.
It is our connection with our God that gives us our shine,
It’s our covenant with the Father that positions us spiritually,
It’s our intimacy that gives us a higher spirit.
So my friends, we already know what we need to do to shine.
Matthew 5:14 – You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden;
Let your light be known to all!
Let us rule the world with our God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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